id: user-grade title: Get User Grade meta: Overview of the user grade endpoint of the Infinite Flight Live API order: 9 contributor: KaiM,sqeezelemon #

Get User Grade #

Retrieve the full grade table and detailed statistics for a user.

Resource #


Authorization #

Include your API key (<apikey>) by either:

Parameters #

Name Located in Description Required Schema
userId path ID of the User Yes string (uuid)

Response #

Sample Response #

  "errorCode": 0,
  "result": {
    "totalXP": 217242,
    "total12MonthsViolations": 4,
    "gradeDetails": {
        "grades": [...],
        "gradeIndex": 2,
        "ruleDefinitions": [...]
    "atcOperations": 14641,
    "atcRank": 3,
    "lastLevel1ViolationDate": "2020-12-16T03:20:10.283484",
    "lastReportViolationDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "violationCountByLevel": {
      "level1": 9,
      "level2": 0,
      "level3": 0
    "roles": [
    "userId": "b0018209-e010-40a0-afe1-00ecd5856c5e",
    "virtualOrganization": "IFATC [IFATC]",
    "discourseUsername": "KaiM",
    "groups": [
    "errorCode": 0

LiveAPIResponse #

Response Type: application/json

Name Type Description
errorCode integer Enum: "Ok = 0", "UserNotFound = 1", "MissingRequestParameters = 2", "EndpointError = 3", "NotAuthorized = 4", "ServerNotFound = 5", "FlightNotFound = 6", "NoAtisAvailable = 7"
result GradeInfo GradeInfo Object

GradeInfo #

Name Type Description
userId string (uuid) Unique identifier for the user
virtualOrganization string The virtual organization of the user’s forum account if linked. Can be null if not set
discourseUsername string The user’s forum username if the account is linked. If the account isn’t linked, this will be null
groups [string (uuid)] Deprecated - will be removed soon. A list of groups the user can be a part of.
roles [integer] A list of roles a user has been assigned. See below for a list of main roles.
errorCode integer Status code of user query. Not in use for this endpoint.
gradeDetails GradeConfiguration Full Grade Table
violationCountByLevel dict A dictionary with a count of violations issued to the user, split up by levels (Level 1/2/3).
totalXP double Total XP obtained in multiplayer
atcOperations integer Total number of ATC Operations.
atcRank integer ATC Rank on the Expert Server. See below for the ranks. Can be null if user isn’t an IFATC controller.
total12MonthsViolations integer Total amount of Level 1, 2, and 3 violations received in the last 12 months
lastLevel1ViolationDate string (datetime) Date of the user’s last Level 1 violation
lastReportViolationDate string (datetime) Date of the user’s last Level 2 or 3 violation (report). Defaults to 0001-01-01T00:00:00 if the user does not have any reports.

Roles #

The main roles are as follows.

ID Name
1 Infinite Flight Staff
2 Moderators
64 IFATC Members

Groups #

The main groups are as follows.

ID Name
d07afad8-79df-4363-b1c7-a5a1dde6e3c8 Staff
8c93a113-0c6c-491f-926d-1361e43a5833 Moderators
df0f6341-5f6a-40ef-8b73-087a0ec255b5 IFATC Members

GradeConfiguration #

Name Type Description
grades [Grade] Array containing all grades
gradeIndex integer The Index of the grades property that the user holds
ruleDefinitions [GradeRuleDefinition] Definiton for the rules required for each grade

Grade #

Name Type Description
rules [GradeRule] Rules to be met to obtain the grade
index integer Index of the Grade in the grades property of the GradeConfiguration object
name string Name of the Grade
state integer Enum: "Fail = 0", "OK = 1", "Warning = 2"

GradeRule #

Name Type Description
ruleIndex integer Index of the rule in the rules property of the Grade object
referenceValue double The requirement value
userValue double The value of the user for this property
state integer Enum: "Fail = 0", "OK = 1", "Warning = 2"
userValueString string The value of the user, nicely formatted
referenceValueString string The requirement value, nicely formatted
definition GradeRuleDefinition Definition of the rule

GradeRuleDefinition #

Name Type Description
name string Name of the rule
description string Description of the rule
property string The property of the GradeInfo object the rule relates to
operator integer Enum: "GreaterThan = 0", "LesserThan = 1", "GreaterThanOrEqual = 2", "LesserThanOrEqual = 3", "Equal = 4", "DifferentThan = 5"
period double Time period in which the rule must be met
order integer Order of the Rule within the rules property of the Grade object
group integer Not in use for this endpoint.

ViolationEntry #

Name Type Description
type double Type of Violation
date string Date the Violation was Received

ReportEntry #

Name Type Description
type integer Type of Report
creationTime string Time the Report was Created
creatorId string (uuid) User ID of the Report Issuer
description string Reason for the Report
flightId string (uuid) ID of the Flight the Report was received in